I'm sorry.
Sorry that I was born to feel,
that I will never be good enough
to satisfy - that my words fell
short of what you needed.
I'm sorry that I stopped writing
because I lost hope in
the kindness of people.
I'm sorry that after February
I was too frightened to be alone.
I'm sorry that I smiled when my heart was
ripped to shreds and when you asked
if I was alright,
I'm sorry that I lied.
I'm sorry that my hope in You has
run low sometimes.
I'm sorry that my words were not
truthful, that I'll live to see
my mother
become a guest in our houses.
I'm sorry I didn't tell her I loved her
every day before she left.
I'm sorry I didn't believe in You
when I should have.
I'm sorry that I'll die
before letting you know how much
you've changed me.
I've grown up because of you
when I didn't want to,
traces of innocence melt away
in these two hands, and how sorry
I am to have lost you.
I'm sorry that five months wasn't enough
to mend me, I'm afraid that
no amount of time will
ease the scars of February.
I'm sorry soul, for hurting you
when I lied. Because it certainly wasn't
physical pain.
I'm sorry that as I stood at
the hangman's noose, I remembered
those on death row don't merit
a second chance.
But you gave me a one.
For that, I am not sorry.